diff --git a/spec/extreme_startup/intersection_rect_question_spec.rb b/spec/extreme_startup/intersection_rect_question_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..126385ef3c4216406c2cb3078a4759e781676bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/extreme_startup/intersection_rect_question_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'extreme_startup/question_factory'
+require 'extreme_startup/player'
+module ExtremeStartup
+  describe RectangleIntersectionQuestion do
+    let(:question) { RectangleIntersectionQuestion.new(Player.new) }
+    it "converts to a string" do
+      question.as_text.should =~ /give the intersection of those rectangles \(x0,y0,width,height\): \(\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+\) x \(\d+,\d+,\d+,\d+\)/i
+    end
+    context "when the numbers and known" do
+      let(:question) { RectangleIntersectionQuestion.new(Player.new, 1,1,10,10, 5,5,20,20) }
+      it "converts to the right string" do
+        question.as_text.should =~ /give the intersection of those rectangles \(x0,y0,width,height\): \(1,1,10,10\) x \(5,5,20,20\)/i
+      end
+      it "identifies a correct answer" do
+        question.answered_correctly?("( 5, 5, 6, 6 )").should be_true
+      end
+      it "identifies an incorrect answer" do
+        question.answered_correctly?("(5,5,6,20)").should be_false
+      end
+    end
+    context "when the rectangles does not intersect" do
+      let(:question) { RectangleIntersectionQuestion.new(Player.new, 1,1,2,2, 5,5,2,2) }
+      it "identifies empty answer as correct" do
+        question.answered_correctly?("").should be_true
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/spec/extreme_startup/question_factory_spec.rb b/spec/extreme_startup/question_factory_spec.rb
index 5512ff2ab1dcfdf9f2a52947e86c9c4058f558fa..2b8d8040b2fd3ed3a73c4b6f2d712b7483548821 100644
--- a/spec/extreme_startup/question_factory_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/extreme_startup/question_factory_spec.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module ExtremeStartup
   describe QuestionFactory do
     let(:player)  { Player.new("player one") }
     let(:factory) { QuestionFactory.new }
     context "in the first round" do
        it "creates both AdditionQuestions and SquareCubeQuestion" do
           questions = 10.times.map { factory.next_question(player) }
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ module ExtremeStartup
           questions.all? { |q| [AdditionQuestion, MaximumQuestion].include? q.class }
     context "in the second round" do
       before(:each) do
        it "creates four different types of question" do
           questions = 20.times.map { factory.next_question(player) }
           questions.any? { |q| q.is_a?(AdditionQuestion) }.should be_true
@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@ module ExtremeStartup
           questions.any? { |q| q.is_a?(SquareCubeQuestion) }.should be_true
           questions.all? { |q| [AdditionQuestion, MaximumQuestion, MultiplicationQuestion, SquareCubeQuestion, ].include? q.class }
     context "in the third round" do
       before(:each) do
        it "moves a sliding window forward, keeping 5 question types, so AdditionQuestions no longer appear" do
           questions = 30.times.map { factory.next_question(player) }
           questions.any? { |q| q.is_a?(AdditionQuestion) }.should be_false
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ module ExtremeStartup
           questions.any? { |q| q.is_a?(SquareCubeQuestion) }.should be_true
           questions.all? { |q| [MaximumQuestion, MultiplicationQuestion, SquareCubeQuestion, GeneralKnowledgeQuestion, PrimesQuestion].include? q.class }
diff --git a/spec/extreme_startup/sha1_spec.rb b/spec/extreme_startup/sha1_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a9d9361c7ac7d2d6c73ef96de8a2a9940c8c3f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/extreme_startup/sha1_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'extreme_startup/question_factory'
+require 'extreme_startup/player'
+module ExtremeStartup
+  describe Sha1Question do
+    let(:question) { Sha1Question.new(Player.new) }
+    it "converts to a string" do
+      question.as_text.should =~ /what is the SHA-1 hash of \w+/i
+    end
+    context "when the word is known" do
+      let(:question) { Sha1Question.new(Player.new, "hello") }
+      it "converts to the right string" do
+        question.as_text.should =~ /what is the SHA-1 hash of hello/i
+      end
+      it "identifies a correct answer" do
+        question.answered_correctly?("aaf4c61ddcc5e8a2dabede0f3b482cd9aea9434d").should be_true
+      end
+      it "identifies an incorrect answer" do
+        question.answered_correctly?("12345").should be_false
+      end
+    end
+  end