diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ce8e99ef8db03a24adde4571fba615063dc364b1..59b6dd53600df7759b757fcf81ab2a9638cd44a8 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ The Helm template uses some global configuration used throughout all jobs.
 | `HELM_ENV_VALUE_NAME` | The name of the Helm [value](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_best_practices/values/) containing the _environment type_ | `environmentType` |
 | `HELM_HOSTNAME_VALUE_NAME`      | The name of the Helm [value](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_best_practices/values/) containing the _environment hostname_ (extracted from the environment URL) | `hostname` |
 | `KUBE_NAMESPACE`      | The default Kubernetes namespace to use | _none_ but this variable is automatically set by [GitLab Kubernetes integration](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/clusters/index.html) when enabled |
-| :lock: `HELM_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG` | The default kubeconfig content to use | `$KUBECONFIG` (thus supports the [GitLab Kubernetes integration](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/clusters/index.html) when enabled) |
+| :lock: `HELM_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG` | The default kubeconfig to use (either content or file variable) | `$KUBECONFIG` (thus supports the [GitLab Kubernetes integration](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/clusters/index.html) when enabled) |
 | `HELM_DEPLOY_ARGS`    | The Helm [command with options](https://helm.sh/docs/helm/helm_upgrade/) to deploy the application (_without dynamic arguments such as release name and chart_) | `upgrade --install --atomic --timeout 120s` |
 | `HELM_DELETE_ARGS`    | The Helm [command with options](https://helm.sh/docs/helm/helm_uninstall/) to cleanup the application (_without dynamic arguments such as release name_) | `uninstall` |
 | `HELM_DEPLOY_CHART`   | The Helm [chart](https://helm.sh/docs/topics/charts/) to deploy. _Only required if you want to deploy an **external** chart._  | _none_ |
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Here are variables supported to configure review environments:
 | `HELM_REVIEW_APP_NAME`   | Application name for `review` env      | `"${HELM_BASE_APP_NAME}-${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}"` (ex: `myproject-review-fix-bug-12`) |
 | `HELM_REVIEW_ENVIRONMENT_URL`| The review environments url _(only define for static environment URLs declaration and if different from default)_ | `$HELM_ENVIRONMENT_URL` |
 | `HELM_REVIEW_NAMESPACE`  | The Kubernetes namespace to use for `review` env _(only define to override default)_ | `$KUBE_NAMESPACE` |
-| :lock: `HELM_REVIEW_KUBE_CONFIG` | kubeconfig content used for `review` env _(only define to override default)_ | `$HELM_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG` |
+| :lock: `HELM_REVIEW_KUBE_CONFIG` | Specific kubeconfig for `review` env _(only define to override default)_ | `$HELM_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG` |
 | `HELM_REVIEW_VALUES`     | The [Values file](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/values_files/) to use with `review` environments | _none_ |
 ### Integration environment configuration
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ Here are variables supported to configure the integration environment:
 | `HELM_INTEG_APP_NAME`    | Application name for `integration` env | `$HELM_BASE_APP_NAME-integration` |
 | `HELM_INTEG_ENVIRONMENT_URL`| The integration environment url _(only define for static environment URLs declaration and if different from default)_ | `$HELM_ENVIRONMENT_URL` |
 | `HELM_INTEG_NAMESPACE`   | The Kubernetes namespace to use for `integration` env _(only define to override default)_ | `$KUBE_NAMESPACE` |
-| :lock: `HELM_INTEG_KUBE_CONFIG` | kubeconfig content used for `integration` env _(only define to override default)_ | `$HELM_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG` |
+| :lock: `HELM_INTEG_KUBE_CONFIG` | Specific kubeconfig for `integration` env _(only define to override default)_ | `$HELM_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG` |
 | `HELM_INTEG_VALUES`      | The [Values file](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/values_files/) to use with the `integration` environment | _none_ |
 ### Staging environment configuration
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ Here are variables supported to configure the staging environment:
 | `HELM_STAGING_APP_NAME`  | Application name for `staging` env     | `$HELM_BASE_APP_NAME-staging` |
 | `HELM_STAGING_ENVIRONMENT_URL`| The staging environment url _(only define for static environment URLs declaration and if different from default)_ | `$HELM_ENVIRONMENT_URL` |
 | `HELM_STAGING_NAMESPACE` | The Kubernetes namespace to use for `staging` env _(only define to override default)_ | `$KUBE_NAMESPACE` |
-| :lock: `HELM_STAGING_KUBE_CONFIG` | kubeconfig content used for `staging` env _(only define to override default)_ | `$HELM_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG` |
+| :lock: `HELM_STAGING_KUBE_CONFIG` | Specific kubeconfig for `staging` env _(only define to override default)_ | `$HELM_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG` |
 | `HELM_STAGING_VALUES`    | The [Values file](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/values_files/) to use with the staging environment | _none_ |
 ### Production environment configuration
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Here are variables supported to configure the production environment:
 | `HELM_PROD_APP_NAME`     | Application name for `production` env  | `$HELM_BASE_APP_NAME` |
 | `HELM_PROD_ENVIRONMENT_URL`| The production environment url _(only define for static environment URLs declaration and if different from default)_ | `$HELM_ENVIRONMENT_URL` |
 | `HELM_PROD_NAMESPACE`    | The Kubernetes namespace to use for `production` env _(only define to override default)_ | `$KUBE_NAMESPACE` |
-| :lock: `HELM_PROD_KUBE_CONFIG` | kubeconfig content used for `production` env _(only define to override default)_ | `$HELM_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG` |
+| :lock: `HELM_PROD_KUBE_CONFIG` | Specific kubeconfig for `production` env _(only define to override default)_ | `$HELM_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG` |
 | `AUTODEPLOY_TO_PROD`     | Set this variable to auto-deploy to production. If not set deployment to production will be `manual` (default behaviour). | _none_ (disabled) |
 | `HELM_PROD_VALUES`       | The [Values file](https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/values_files/) to use with the production environment | _none_ |
diff --git a/kicker.json b/kicker.json
index 5cf9b9b842e94828445a02d51a4d88d6e0aedd17..d9cd4ea73feb53d4ca191c95d6144fb664fb29a2 100644
--- a/kicker.json
+++ b/kicker.json
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
           "name": "HELM_REVIEW_KUBE_CONFIG",
-          "description": "kubeconfig content used for review env (only define to override default)",
+          "description": "Specific kubeconfig for review env (only define to override default)",
           "default": "$HELM_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG",
           "advanced": true,
           "secret": true
@@ -292,7 +292,7 @@
           "name": "HELM_INTEG_KUBE_CONFIG",
-          "description": "kubeconfig content used for integration env (only define to override default)",
+          "description": "Specific kubeconfig for integration env (only define to override default)",
           "default": "$HELM_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG",
           "advanced": true,
           "secret": true
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@
           "name": "HELM_STAGING_KUBE_CONFIG",
-          "description": "kubeconfig content used for staging env (only define to override default)",
+          "description": "Specific kubeconfig for staging env (only define to override default)",
           "default": "$HELM_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG",
           "advanced": true,
           "secret": true
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
           "name": "HELM_PROD_KUBE_CONFIG",
-          "description": "kubeconfig content used for production env (only define to override default)",
+          "description": "Specific kubeconfig for production env (only define to override default)",
           "default": "$HELM_DEFAULT_KUBE_CONFIG",
           "advanced": true,
           "secret": true
diff --git a/templates/gitlab-ci-helm.yml b/templates/gitlab-ci-helm.yml
index 6b6a143c6516568c156ae6d28e3fc5921f6f5222..b80798b13d4ba6736c7b3836f051e58de2b7c92c 100644
--- a/templates/gitlab-ci-helm.yml
+++ b/templates/gitlab-ci-helm.yml
@@ -324,11 +324,20 @@ stages:
   function setup_kubeconfig() {
-    if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+    if [[ -f "$1" ]]
+    then
+      # arg1 is a path to a Kuberconfig file
+      export KUBECONFIG="$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.kubeconfig"
+      cp -f "$1" "$KUBECONFIG"
+      log_info "--- using \\e[32mKUBECONFIG\\e[0m provided by env variables"
+    elif [[ -n "$1" ]]
+    then
+      # arg1 is a Kuberconfig file content
       export KUBECONFIG="$CI_PROJECT_DIR/.kubeconfig"
       echo "$1" > "$KUBECONFIG"
       log_info "--- using \\e[32mKUBECONFIG\\e[0m provided by env variables"
-    elif [ -n "$KUBECONFIG" ]; then
+    elif [[ -n "$KUBECONFIG" ]]
+    then
       log_info "--- using \\e[32mKUBECONFIG\\e[0m provided by GitLab"
       log_warn "No \\e[32mKUBECONFIG\\e[0m configuration found!"