| `force_rollout(<deployment_name>)` | Force a new rollout of the specified deployment. This can be useful when your deployment references a `stable` or `latest`image stream tag that is updated by gitlab pipeline. Once your template applied, if you only changed some application stuff and pushed a new version of the image, yet did not change anything in your template, no rollout will be triggered. Call this function to force a new rollout. |
| `force_rollout<deploymentConfig_name>` | Force a new rollout of the specified deploymentConfig. This can be useful when your deployment references a `stable` or `latest`image stream tag that is updated by gitlab pipeline. Once your template applied, if you only changed some application stuff and pushed a new version of the image, yet did not change anything in your template, no rollout will be triggered. Call this function to force a new rollout. |
| `poll_last_rollout(<deployment_name>, [timeout: 2 minutes])` | Wait for the last rollout to end. This function will fail if the rollout fails or did not ended during the specified amount of time (two minutes by default). |
| `poll_last_rollout<deploymentConfig_name>, [timeout: 2 minutes]` | Wait for the last rollout to end. This function will fail if the rollout fails or did not ended during the specified amount of time (two minutes by default). |
| `purge_old_image_tags(<image_name>, <number_to_keep>)` | For the given image stream, crawls all the tags and keeps only the `N` youngest ones. This can be useful when you create a new image tag for each pipeline (exemple of tag: `$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA` or `$CI_COMMIT_SHA`). |
| `purge_old_image_tags<image_name>, <number_to_keep>` | For the given image stream, crawls all the tags and keeps only the `N` youngest ones. This can be useful when you create a new image tag for each pipeline (exemple of tag: `$CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA` or `$CI_COMMIT_SHA`). |