| `NG_INSTALL_EXTRA_OPTS`| Extra options to install project dependencies (with [`npm ci`](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/ci.html/)) | _none_ |
### Configuring scoped registries
You may configure [scoped registries](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/using-npm/scope#associating-a-scope-with-a-registry) with the `$NPM_CONFIG_SCOPED_REGISTRIES` variable.
The value is expected as a (whitespace-separated) list of `@registry_scope:registry_url`.
The Angular template also supports authentication tokens for each, simply by defining `NPM_REGISTRY_<SCOPE>_AUTH` (as project or group secret variables).
:warning: The `<SCOPE>` part is the `registry_scope` transformed in [SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_case)(uppercase words separated by underscores).
Example: declare the GitLab chart repository from another GitLab project