This project implements a GitLab CI/CD template to build, test and analyse your [Go]( projects.
This template can be used both as a [CI/CD component](
or using the legacy [`include:project`]( syntax.
### Use as a CI/CD component
Add the following to your `gitlab-ci.yml`:
# 1: include the component
- component:
# 2: set/override component inputs
image: "" # ⚠ this is only an example
### Use as a CI/CD template (legacy)
Add the following to your `gitlab-ci.yml`:
# 2: set/override template variables
GO_IMAGE: "" # ⚠ this is only an example
## Global configuration
The Go template uses some global configuration used throughout all jobs.
| Input / Variable | Description | Default value |
| `image` / `GO_IMAGE` | The Docker image used to run Go for `go-build` <br/>:warning: **set the version required by your project** | `` |
| `test-image` / `GO_TEST_IMAGE` | The Docker image used to run Go for `go-test` <br/>:warning: **set the version required by your project** | _none_ |
| `project-dir` / `GO_PROJECT_DIR` | Go project root directory | `.` |
| `goproxy` / `GOPROXY` | URL of Go module proxy | _none_ |
You can specify if you want the template to build an `application` or `modules` with the `GO_BUILD_MODE` variable. It may have the following values:
* `application` will make the build output the binaries (use `-o` build option, won't work if there is no `main.go` file)
* `modules` won't output the binaries (no use of the `-o` option)
* `auto` the template will rely on the presence of a `main.go` file to detect if it should output the binaries.
The build target platform is the one defined by the docker image but it can be overriden using the `GO_TARGET_OS` and `GO_TARGET_ARCH` variables.
GO_TARGET_OS: "windows"
Build and tests can be done in separate jobs.
If `GO_TEST_IMAGE` is not set (default), the `go-build-test` job will run build and tests at once.
If `GO_TEST_IMAGE` is set, separate `go-build` and `go-test` jobs will be run in the `build` phase in parallel.
Separating `build` and `test` jobs can be useful to use different images (and hence different tools) or if you want to build muli-platform binaries.
Here is a `.gitlab-ci.yml` example that triggers a build on 3 target platforms using the [parallel matrix jobs]( pattern:
- GO_TARGET_OS: "windows"
- GO_TARGET_OS: "linux"
- GO_TARGET_OS: "linux"
| Input / Variable | Description | Default value |
| `build-mode` / `GO_BUILD_MODE` | The template build mode (accepted values are `application`, `modules` and `auto`) | `auto` |
| `build-flags` / `GO_BUILD_FLAGS` | Flags used by the [go build command]( | `-mod=readonly` |
| `build-linker-flags` / `GO_BUILD_LINKER_FLAGS` | Linker flags used by the [go build command]( `-ldflags` | `-s -w` |
| `build-packages` / `GO_BUILD_PACKAGES` | Packages to build with the [go build command]( | `./...` |
| `test-flags` / `GO_TEST_FLAGS` | Flags used by the [go test command]( | `-mod=readonly -v -race` |
| `test-packages` / `GO_TEST_PACKAGES` | Packages to test with the [go test command]( | `./...` |
| `list-args` / `GO_LIST_ARGS` | Arguments used by the list command | `list -u -m -mod=readonly -json all` |
| `target-os` / `GO_TARGET_OS` | The `GOOS` target [see available values]( | _none_ (fallback to go docker image `GOOS`) |
| `target-arch` / `GO_TARGET_ARCH` | The `GOARCH` target [see available values]( | _none_ (fallback to go docker image `GOARCH`) |
| `cobertura-flags` / `GO_COBERTURA_FLAGS` | The `GOFLAGS` to use with `gocover-cobertura` if needed | _none_ |
In addition to a textual report in the console, the test jobs produce the following reports, kept for one day:
| Report | Format | Usage |
| `$GO_PROJECT_DIR/reports/go-test.native.txt` | native Go test report (text) | N/A |
| `$GO_PROJECT_DIR/reports/go-test.native.json` | native Go test report (json) | [SonarQube integration]( |
| `$GO_PROJECT_DIR/reports/go-test.xunit.xml` | [xUnit]( test report(s) | [GitLab integration]( |
| `$GO_PROJECT_DIR/reports/go-coverage.native.out` | native Go coverage | N/A |
| `$GO_PROJECT_DIR/reports/go-coverage.cobertura.xml` | [Cobertura XML]( coverage report | [GitLab integration]( |
### `go-ci-lint` job
This job enables a manual [GolangCI-Lint]( analysis.
It is bound to the `build` stage, and uses the following variables:
| Input / Variable | Description | Default value |
| `ci-lint-image` / `GO_CI_LINT_IMAGE` | The Docker image used to run `golangci-lint` | `` |
| `ci-lint-args` / `GO_CI_LINT_ARGS` | `golangci-lint` [command line arguments]( | `-E gosec,goimports ./...` |
| `ci-lint-disabled` / `GO_CI_LINT_DISABLED` | Set to `true` to disable this job | _none_(enabled) |
In addition to a textual report in the console, this job produces the following reports, kept for one day:
| Report | Format | Usage |
| `$GO_PROJECT_DIR/reports/go-ci-lint.codeclimate.json` | [Code Climate]( | [GitLab integration]( |
| `$GO_PROJECT_DIR/reports/go-ci-lint.checkstyle.xml` | Checkstyle | [SonarQube integration]( |
### `go-mod-outdated` job
This job enables a manual [Go-mod-outdated]( analysis.
It is bound to the `test` stage, and uses the following variables:
| Input / Variable | Description | Default value |
| `mod-outdated-args` / `GO_MOD_OUTDATED_ARGS` | `god-mod-outdated` [command line arguments]( | `-update -direct` |
Checking outdated modules can be a long operation and therefore the job is configured to be ran **manually** by default (overridable).
## SonarQube analysis
If you're using the SonarQube template to analyse your Go code, here is a sample `` file:
# see:
# set your source directory(ies) here (relative to the file)
# exclude unwanted directories and files from being analysed
# set your tests directory(ies) here (relative to the file)
# tests report: JSON native format
# coverage report: native format
# golanci-lint: checkstyle report (if enabled)
* [Go language support](
* [test coverage & execution parameters](
* [third-party issues](
:warning: an [unsolved issue]( may prevent SonarQube Go plugin from
importing your test reports.
This job generates a [SBOM]( file listing installed packages using [@cyclonedx/cyclonedx-gomod](
It is bound to the `test` stage, and uses the following variables:
| Input / Variable | Description | Default value |
| --------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `sbom-disabled` / `GO_SBOM_DISABLED` | Set to `true` to disable this job | _none_ |
| `sbom-image` / `GO_SBOM_IMAGE` | Image of cyclonedx-gomod used for SBOM analysis | `` |
| `sbom-opts` / `GO_SBOM_OPTS` | [@cyclonedx/cyclonedx-gomod options]( used for SBOM analysis | `-main .` |
:warning: if you don't have your main class located at the root of your `GO_PROJECT_DIR`, then you will need to override the `-main` option in `GO_SBOM_OPTS` and define your real main class location.
GO_SBOM_OPTS: "-main cmd/my_app"
### `go-govulncheck` job
This job enables Vulnerability Management with [Govulncheck](
It is bound to the `test` stage, and uses the following variables:
| Input / Variable | Description | Default value |
| --------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `vulncheck-disabled` / `GO_VULNCHECK_DISABLED` | Set to `true` to disable this job | _none_
| `vulncheck-args` / `GO_VULNCHECK_ARGS` | `govulncheck` [command line arguments]( | `./...` |