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GitLab CI template for Go

This project implements a generic GitLab CI template for Go.

It provides several features, usable in different modes (by configuration).


In order to include this template in your project, add the following to your gitlab-ci.yml:

  - project: 'to-be-continuous/golang'
    ref: '2.2.0'
    file: '/templates/gitlab-ci-golang.yml'

Global configuration

The Go template uses some global configuration used throughout all jobs.

Name description default value
GO_IMAGE The Docker image used to run Go for go-build
:warning: set the version required by your project
GO_TEST_IMAGE The Docker image used to run Go for go-test
:warning: set the version required by your project
GO_PROJECT_DIR Go project root directory .
GOPROXY URL of Go module proxy none


build & test jobs

The build target platform is the one defined by the docker image but it can be overriden using the GO_TARGET_OS and GO_TARGET_ARCH variables.

  GO_TARGET_OS: "windows"
  GO_TARGET_ARCH: "amd64"

Build and tests can be done in separate jobs. If GO_TEST_IMAGE is not set (default), the go-build-test job will run build and tests at once. If GO_TEST_IMAGE is set, separate go-build and go-test jobs will be run in the build phase in parallel.

Separating build and test jobs can be useful to use different images (and hence different tools) or if you want to build muli-platform binaries.

Here is a .gitlab-ci.yml example that triggers a build on 3 target platforms using the parallel matrix jobs pattern:

  GO_IMAGE: "golang:1.17-buster"
  GO_TEST_IMAGE: "golang:1.17-buster"

      - GO_TARGET_OS: "windows"
        GO_TARGET_ARCH: "amd64"
      - GO_TARGET_OS: "linux"
        GO_TARGET_ARCH: "amd64"
      - GO_TARGET_OS: "linux"
        GO_TARGET_ARCH: "arm"

These jobs use the following variable:

Name description default value
GO_BUILD_FLAGS Flags used by the go build command -mod=readonly
GO_BUILD_PACKAGES Packages to build with the go build command ./...
GO_TEST_FLAGS Flags used by the go test command -mod=readonly -v -race
GO_TEST_PACKAGES Packages to test with the go test command ./...
GO_LIST_ARGS Arguments used by the list command list -u -m -mod=readonly -json all
GO_TARGET_OS The GOOS target see available values none (fallback to go docker image GOOS)
GO_TARGET_ARCH The GOARCH target see available values none (fallback to go docker image GOARCH)

go-ci-lint job

This job enables a manual GolangCI-Lint analysis.

It is bound to the build stage, and uses the following variables:

Name description default value
GO_CI_LINT_IMAGE The Docker image used to run golangci-lint golangci/golangci-lint:latest-alpine
GO_CI_LINT_ARGS golangci-lint command line arguments -E gosec,goimports ./...
GO_CI_LINT_DISABLED Set to true to disable this job none(enabled)

Golang Security Checker can be a long operation and therefore the job is configured to be ran manually by default (overridable).

go-mod-outdated job

This job enables a manual Go-mod-outdated analysis.

It is bound to the test stage, and uses the following variables:

Name description default value
GO_MOD_OUTDATED_ARGS god-mod-outdated command line arguments -update -direct -style markdown -ci

Checking outdated modules can be a long operation and therefore the job is configured to be ran manually by default (overridable).

SonarQube analysis

If you're using the SonarQube template to analyse your Go code, here is a sample file:

# see:
# set your source directory(ies) here (relative to the file)
# exclude unwanted directories and files from being analysed

# set your tests directory(ies) here (relative to the file)

# tests report: JSON format
# coverage report
# golanci-lint report

More info:

:warning: an unsolved issue may prevent SonarQube Go plugin from importing your test reports.