| `semgrep-disabled` / `GO_SEMGREP_DISABLED` | Set to `true` to disable this job | _none_ |
| `semgrep-image` / `GO_SEMGREP_IMAGE` | The Docker image used to run [Semgrep](https://semgrep.dev/docs/) | `registry.hub.docker.com/semgrep/semgrep:latest` |
| `semgrep-rules` / `GO_SEMGREP_RULES` | Space-separated list of [Semgrep rules](https://semgrep.dev/docs/running-rules).<br/>Can be both local YAML files or remote rules from the [Segmrep Registry](https://semgrep.dev/explore)(denoted by the `p/` prefix). | `p/golang p/gosec` |
> :information_source: Semgrep may [collect some metrics](https://semgrep.dev/docs/metrics), especially when using rules from the Semgrep Registry.
> To protect your privacy and let you run Semgrep in air-gap environments, this template disables all Semgrep metrics by default:
> * rules from the Semgrep registry are pre-downloaded and passed to Semgrep as local rule files (can be disabled by setting `semgrep-download-rules-enabled` / `GO_SEMGREP_DOWNLOAD_RULES_ENABLED` to `false`),
> * the `--metrics` option is set to `off`,
> * the `--disable-version-check` option is set.
In addition to a textual report in the console, this job produces the following reports, kept for one week:
| `$GO_PROJECT_DIR/reports/golang-semgrep.native.json` | [Semgrep's JSON format](https://semgrep.dev/docs/cli-reference#semgrep-scan-command-options) | [DefectDojo integration](https://documentation.defectdojo.com/integrations/parsers/file/semgrep)<br/>_This report is generated only if DefectDojo template is detected_ |
### `go-mod-outdated` job
This job enables a manual [Go-mod-outdated](https://github.com/psampaz/go-mod-outdated) analysis.
@@ -249,4 +277,4 @@ It is bound to the `test` stage, and uses the following variables:
| Input / Variable | Description | Default value |
"description":"Space-separated list of [Semgrep rules](https://semgrep.dev/docs/running-rules).\n\nCan be both local YAML files or remote rules from the [Semgrep Registry](https://semgrep.dev/explore) (denoted by the `p/` prefix)",