@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ These jobs use the following variable:
| `GO_LIST_ARGS` | Arguments used by the list command | `list -u -m -mod=readonly -json all` |
| `GO_TARGET_OS` | The `GOOS` target [see available values](https://gist.github.com/asukakenji/f15ba7e588ac42795f421b48b8aede63) | _none_ (fallback to go docker image `GOOS`) |
| `GO_TARGET_ARCH` | The `GOARCH` target [see available values](https://gist.github.com/asukakenji/f15ba7e588ac42795f421b48b8aede63) | _none_ (fallback to go docker image `GOARCH`) |
| `GO_COBERTURA_FLAGS` | The `GOFLAGS` to use with `gocover-cobertura` if needed | _none_ |
In addition to a textual report in the console, the test jobs produce the following reports, kept for one day: