| `OS_CLI_IMAGE` | the Docker image used to run OpenShift Client (OC) CLI commands| `openshift/origin-cli:latest`**it is highly recommended to set the CLI version compatible with your OpenShift server** |
| `OS_CLI_IMAGE` | the Docker image used to run OpenShift Client (OC) CLI commands<br/>:warning: **set the version required by your OpenShift server** |`openshift/origin-cli:latest` |
| `OS_URL` | Default OpenShift API url | **has to be defined** |
| :lock: `OS_TOKEN` | Default OpenShift API [token](#token-generation) | **has to be defined** |
| `OS_BASE_APP_NAME` | Base application name | `$CI_PROJECT_NAME` ([see GitLab doc](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/predefined_variables.html)) |
@@ -662,6 +662,6 @@ done
echo"[ERROR] max attempts reached: failed"
exit 1
## Gitlab compatibility
## GitLab compatibility
:information_source: This template is actually tested and validated on GitLab Community Edition instance version 13.12.11
"description":"the Docker image used to run OpenShift Client (OC) CLI commands - **it is highly recommended to set the CLI version compatible with your OpenShift server**",
"description":"the Docker image used to run OpenShift Client (OC) CLI commands - **set the version required by your OpenShift server**",