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# GitLab CI template for Python

This project implements a generic GitLab CI template for [Python](

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It provides several features, usable in different modes (by configuration) following those [recommendations](
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## Usage

In order to include this template in your project, add the following to your `gitlab-ci.yml`:

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  - project: 'to-be-continuous/python'
    ref: '1.2.3'
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    file: '/templates/gitlab-ci-python.yml'

## Global configuration

The Python template uses some global configuration used throughout all jobs.

| Name                 | description                                                                                                      | default value      |
| -------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------ |
| `PYTHON_IMAGE`       | The Docker image used to run Python. **It is highly recommended to set the specific version your project needs** | `python:3`    |
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| `PIP_INDEX_URL`      | Python repository url                                                                                            | _none_             |
| `PYTHON_PROJECT_DIR` | Python project root directory                                                                                    | `.`                |
| `REQUIREMENTS_FILE`  | Path to requirements file _(relative to `$PYTHON_PROJECT_DIR`)_                                                  | `requirements.txt` |
| `PIP_OPTS`           | pip extra [options](                                | _none_             |

The cache policy also declares the `.cache/pip` directory as cached (not to download Python dependencies over and over again).

Default configuration follows [this Python project structure](

### Poetry support

The Python template supports [Poetry]( as packaging and dependency management tool.

If a `pyproject.toml` and `poetry.lock` file is detected at the root of your project structure, requirements will automatically be generated from Poetry.
Poetry support is disabled  if `PYTHON_POETRY_DISABLED` has a value.
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:warning: as stated in [Poetry documentation](, _You should commit the `poetry.lock` file to your project repo so that all people working on the project are locked to the same versions of dependencies_.

## Jobs

### Lint jobs

#### `py-pylint` job

This job is **disabled by default** and performs code analysis based on [pylint]( Python lib.
It is activated by setting `$PYLINT_ENABLED`.

It is bound to the `build` stage, and uses the following variables:

| Name                     | description                        | default value     |
| ------------------------ | ---------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `PYLINT_ARGS`            | Additional [pylint CLI options](      |  _none_           |
| `PYLINT_FILES`           | Files or directories to analyse   | _none_ (by default analyses all found python source files) |

This job produces the following artifacts, kept for one day:

* Code quality json report in code climate format.

### Test jobs

The Python template features four alternative test jobs:

* `py-unittest` that performs tests based on [unittest]( Python lib,
* or `py-pytest` that performs tests based on [pytest]( Python lib,
* or `py-nosetest` that performs tests based on [nose]( Python lib,
* or `py-compile` that performs byte code generation to check syntax if not tests are available.

#### `py-unittest` job

This job is **disabled by default** and performs tests based on [unittest]( Python lib.
It is activated by setting `$UNITTEST_ENABLED`.

In order to produce JUnit test reports, the tests are executed with the [xmlrunner]( module.

It is bound to the `build` stage, and uses the following variables:

| Name                     | description                                                          | default value           |
| ------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------- |
| `TEST_REQUIREMENTS_FILE` | Path to test requirements file _(relative to `$PYTHON_PROJECT_DIR`)_ | `test-requirements.txt` |
| `UNITTEST_ARGS`          | Additional xmlrunner/unittest CLI options                            | _none_                  |

This job produces the following artifacts, kept for one day:

* JUnit test report (using the [xmlrunner]( module)
* code coverage report (cobertura xml format).

:warning: create a `.coveragerc` file at the root of your Python project to control the coverage settings.


# enables branch coverage
branch = True
# list of directories/packages to cover
source = 

#### `py-pytest` job

This job is **disabled by default** and performs tests based on [pytest]( Python lib.
It is activated by setting `$PYTEST_ENABLED`.

It is bound to the `build` stage, and uses the following variables:

| Name                     | description                                                                                                                                   | default value           |
| ------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------- |
| `TEST_REQUIREMENTS_FILE` | Path to test requirements file _(relative `$PYTHON_PROJECT_DIR`)_                                                                           | `test-requirements.txt` |
| `PYTEST_ARGS`            | Additional [pytest]( or [pytest-cov]( CLI options | _none_                  |

This job produces the following artifacts, kept for one day:

* JUnit test report (with the [`--junit-xml`]( argument)
* code coverage report (cobertura xml format).

:warning: create a `.coveragerc` file at the root of your Python project to control the coverage settings.


# enables branch coverage
branch = True
# list of directories/packages to cover
source = 

#### `py-nosetest` job

This job is **disabled by default** and performs tests based on [nose]( Python lib.
It is activated by setting `$NOSETESTS_ENABLED`.

It is bound to the `build` stage, and uses the following variables:

| Name                     | description                                                                             | default value           |
| ------------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------- |
| `TEST_REQUIREMENTS_FILE` | Path to test requirements file _(relative to `$PYTHON_PROJECT_DIR`)_                    | `test-requirements.txt` |
| `NOSETESTS_ARGS`         | Additional [nose CLI options]( | _none_                  |

By default coverage will be run on all the directory. You can restrict it to your packages by setting NOSE_COVER_PACKAGE variable.
More [info](

This job produces the following artifacts, kept for one day:

* JUnit test report (with the [`--with-xunit`]( argument)
* code coverage report (cobertura xml format + html report).

:warning: create a `.coveragerc` file at the root of your Python project or use [nose CLI options]( to control the coverage settings.

#### `py-compile` job

This job is a fallback if no unit test has been setup (`$UNITTEST_ENABLED` and `$PYTEST_ENABLED` and `$NOSETEST_ENABLED`
are not set), and performs a [`compileall`](

It is bound to the `build` stage, and uses the following variables:

| Name                  | description                                                                   | default value |
| --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| `PYTHON_COMPILE_ARGS` | [`compileall` CLI options]( | `*`           |

### SonarQube analysis

If you're using the SonarQube template to analyse your Python code, here is a sample `` file:

# see:
# set your source directory(ies) here (relative to the file)
# exclude unwanted directories and files from being analysed

# set your tests directory(ies) here (relative to the file)

# tests report: generic format
# coverage report: XUnit format

More info:

* [Python language support](
* [test coverage & execution parameters](
* [third-party issues](

### `py-bandit` job (SAST)

This job is **disabled by default** and performs a [Bandit]( analysis.

It is bound to the `test` stage, and uses the following variables:

| Name             | description                                                            | default value     |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `BANDIT_ENABLED` | Variable to enable Bandit analysis                                     | _none_ (disabled) |
| `BANDIT_ARGS`    | Additional [Bandit CLI options]( | `--recursive .`   |

This job outputs a **textual report** in the console, and in case of failure also exports a JSON report in the `reports/`
directory _(relative to project root dir)_.

### `py-safety` job (dependency check)

This job is **disabled by default** and performs a dependency check analysis using [Safety](

It is bound to the `test` stage, and uses the following variables:

| Name             | description                                                             | default value     |
| ---------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `SAFETY_ENABLED` | Variable to enable Safety job                                           | _none_ (disabled) |
| `SAFETY_ARGS`    | Additional [Safety CLI options]( | `--full-report`   |

This job outputs a **textual report** in the console, and in case of failure also exports a JSON report in the `reports/`
directory _(relative to project root dir)_.

### Publish jobs

### `py-release` job

This job is **disabled by default** and performs an automatic tagging of your Python code.

* [Bumpversion]( Python library is used for version management.
* Looks for an existing `.bumpversion.cfg` at the project root. If found, it will be the configuration used by bumpversion. If not, the `$RELEASE_VERSION_PART` variable and `` will be used instead.
* Creating a Git tag involves an authenticated and authorized Git user.

**Don't use your personal password !!!
Use an [access token]( with write_repository rights.
If you have a generic account, add it to the project and generate access token from this account.**

It is bound to the `publish` stage, applies only on master branch and uses the following variables:

| Name                   | description                                                             | default value     |
| ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `RELEASE_VERSION_PART` | The part of the version to increase (one of: `major`, `minor`, `patch`) | `minor`           |
| `RELEASE_USERNAME`     | Username credential for git push                                        | _none_ (disabled) |
| `RELEASE_ACCESS_TOKEN` | Password credential for git push                                        | _none_            |

### `py-publish` job

This job is **disabled by default** and performs a packaging and publication of your Python code.

It is bound to the `publish` stage, applies only on git tags and uses the following variables:

| Name                   | description                                              | default value     |
| ---------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL` | Where to publish your Python project                     | _none_ (disabled) |
| `TWINE_USERNAME`       | Username credential to publish to \$TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL | _none_ (disabled) |
| `TWINE_PASSWORD`       | Password credential to publish to \$TWINE_REPOSITORY_URL | _none_            |

More info:

* [Python Packaging User Guide](

If you want to automatically create tag and publish your Python package, please have a look [here](#release-python)

### `py-docs` job

This job is **disabled by default** and performs documentation generation of your Python code using [Sphinx]( Documentation will be available through a GitLab artifact.

It is bound to the `publish` stage, applies only on tags and uses the following variables:

| Name                     | description                                                                            | default value                     |
| ------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| `DOCS_ENABLED`           | Variable to enable pages job                                                           | _none_ (disabled)                 |
| `DOCS_REQUIREMENTS_FILE` | Python dependencies for documentation generation _(relative to `$PYTHON_PROJECT_DIR`)_ | `docs-requirements.txt`           |
| `DOCS_DIRECTORY`         | Directory containing docs source                                                       | `docs`                            |
| `DOCS_BUILD_DIR`         | Output build directory for documentation                                               | `public`                          |
| `DOCS_MAKE_ARGS`         | Args of make command                                                                   | `html BUILDDIR=${DOCS_BUILD_DIR}` |